Specialist Dr. Fatih İzzet YÜKSEL - Romatem

Physician of Romatem Samsun Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center

Specialist Dr. Fatih İzzet YÜKSEL

Internal Medicine Specialist

Internal Medicine Specialist

I was born in 1957 in Divrigi District of Sivas. I completed my primary, secondary and high school education in Samsun.
I continued my higher education at Ankara Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine between 1974-1979.
I completed the last two years of my medical education in Samsun after 19 Mayıs University Samsun Medical Faculty started education.

Between 1982 and 1987, I specialized in internal medicine at the Faculty of Medicine at 19 Mayıs University.
After my military service in 1987, I started to work as an internal medicine specialist at Samsun Mehmet Aydın State Hospital.
I retired in 2011. I started working in the private sector.
As of 2019, I continue to work at Romatem Samsun hospital.

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