Pain Treatment - Romatem

Pain is a complex condition, and there are many different causes and different treatment options for chronic aches that are completely different from each other. Types of chronic pain and treatments include:

Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical Methods

Trigger Point Injection (TPI)

Trigger points are the focus areas of regional muscle spasm, usually located in the upper back and shoulder regions. It is applied in situations such as pain, contraction or muscle hardening that occur in the back, legs and crows. Trigger point injection involves injecting the drug directly into the trigger point. Trigger point injections can be used to treat a range of conditions including fibromyalgia, tension headache, and myofascial pain syndrome. The trigger point is the focus area of ​​the skeletal muscle spasm and inflammation. The rhomboid and trapezium back muscles behind the back and shoulder areas are common points of the trigger points. Trigger points in these areas may be caused by neck pain, shoulder pain, and headache. In addition to the upper back, trigger points are less visible in the waist circumference or in back pain. Trigger point injections should often be performed by rheumatologists, pain doctors, and physicians and rehabilitation doctors.

Pain Treatment

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

It is a therapy that uses low-voltage electrical current to relieve pain. TENS is used to treat pain caused by various diseases and conditions. It is most commonly used for the treatment of muscular, joint, or bone problems that occur with diseases such as osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia, or for the treatment of conditions such as back pain, neck pain, tendonitis, or bursitis. In addition, TENS has been used to treat sudden (acute) pain such as long-lasting (chronic) pain, such as birth pain and cancer pain.

Pain Therapy and Bioelectric Therapy

Bioelectrical therapy is a safe and drug-free treatment option for patients with chronic pain problems. It is used to treat some chronic pain and acute pain cases. It alleviates the pain by blocking pain messages in the brain. When you are injured, pain recipients send a message to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The message is recorded as pain by certain cells in the body. Using bioelectric currents, bioelectric therapy alleviates pain by cutting pain signals before reaching the brain. Bioelectrical treatment also helps the body produce endorphins that help relieve pain.


It Helps to restore the movement and function of affected organs or limbs in situations such as injury, illness or disability. Physiotherapists assist in the treatment of people affected by injuries, illness or disability through exercise, exercise, manual therapy, training and advice. The areas where physiotherapy is used are: Neurological (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease), neuro muscul skeletal.

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