What is Ozone?

Ozone is one of the most important gases in the atmosphere. It provides a protective filter mechanism against the ultraviolet rays with high energy load emitted by the sun and helps to maintain the biological balance in the biosphere. After the 1960s, increasing contamination of drinking water with chemicals has become an intense problem. After realizing the cleaning and disinfecting effects of ozone, ozone has been used to clean the water. In addition, ozone has been used in many areas of the industry.

Ozone (O³) is a 3-atom molecule and a very high energy-carrying form of oxygen (O²). Ozone is gaseous at room temperature. It is a colorless gas with a characteristic odor that can be felt after stormy weather, in high places or on the seashore.
Ozone used in medicine that produced from pure oxygen in special generators.

Ozone Effect Mechanism

Ozone can neutralize all toxins (phenols, pesticides, detergents, chemical wastes and aromatic compounds) as well as killing microorganisms due to its strong oxidizing properties.

Reactive oxygen species cause oxidative damage in cells depending on age. This condition is called increased oxidative stress. In recent studies, it has been shown that products that are produced by the administration of ozone with low doses of reactive oxygen to the body play a role in biological mechanisms, especially intracellular communication, in low amounts (physiological levels) and mediate therapeutic effects. As a result of repeated low dose ozone applications, the antioxidant system is strengthened and resistance to oxidative stress develops.

In addition, reactive oxygen species enter the cell and increase the production of cytokine levels and growth factors that reduce inflammation. Ozone therapy is used as an adjunctive treatment method, especially in diseases where the inflammatory process is intense and the immune system is at the forefront (wound healing, ischemic, rheumatic and infectious diseases.

It accelerates cell regeneration.

Ozone eliminates oxygen deficiency by increasing the oxygen carrying capacity and elasticity of red blood cells and the fluidity of the blood. In addition, it is applied as an adjunct treatment in vascular occlusion and causing dilation in the vessels.

It directly interacts with fat cells, causing a decrease in cholesterol and regional fat breakdown.

It lowers the blood sugar level.

It decreases cartilage loss in arthritis and stimulates the production of intra-articular fluids and cartilage, reducing joint pain and increasing mobility.

Ozone, Known as the Elixir of Youth, is Now Very Effective in the Treatment of Chronic Diseases.

Diseases where Ozone Therapy is Beneficial

  • Osteomyelitis, pleural emphysema, abscesses with fistula, infected wounds, pressure sores, chronic ulcers, diabetic feet and burns
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
  • Advanced ischemic diseases,
  • Eye macular degeneration (atrophic form),Musculoskeletal diseases and joint calcifications
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
  • Chronic and recurrent infections and sores in the oral cavity
  • Acute and chronic infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV-AIDS, herpes and herpes zoster infection, papillomavirus infections, onychomycosis and candidiasis, giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis), especially caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi resistant to antibiotics and chemical treatments. Baroclinities and vaginal candidiasis.
  • Allergy and Asthma
  • Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease),
  • Senile dementia (senile dementia)
  • Lung diseases: emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and acute respiratory stress syndrome
  • Skin diseases: Psoriasis (Psoriasis) and atopic dermatitis
  • Cancer-related fatigue
  • Early stage renal failure

Benefits of Ozone Therapy

  • Accelerates blood circulation to cells and tissues,
  • It strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to infectious diseases,
  • Renews the veins (arteries and veins), improves blood pressure,
  • Cleans the blood and lymph system,
  • It allows the skin to work like a third kidney or second lung system,
  • A cleaner, softer and younger skin,
  • By removing the toxin accumulated in the muscles, it relaxes and softens the muscles, increases their flexibility,
  • It improves joint pain and muscle ailments,
  • Normalizes hormone and enzyme production,
  • It strengthens brain functions and memory,
  • Relieves depression and distress,
  • It helps to relieve depression-induced tension by providing a general calm by oxidizing adrenaline, known as the stress hormone.

Ozone Therapy

What Are The Treatment Methods?

  • Major Method: It is the most common method of use. With this method, 50-200 ml of blood taken from the person, the number of treatment sessions and the dose of ozone to be applied; It will depend on the patient’s general condition, age and major illness.
  • Minor Method: 2 – 5 cc blood taken from the person is mixed with ozone at the specified dose and injected into the person.
  • Ozone Delivery to Body Cavities: Ozone is given to the person by rectal – rectal, vaginal and ear canal spraying method.
    Giving ozone gas into the joints and muscles: In cases of Musculoskeletal System disorders, a certain dose of ozone gas is injected into the joints and muscles of the person with an appropriate needle.
  • Ozone bag: Used in non-healing wounds and diabetic feet, skin lesions, infections, circulatory disorders, neuropathic pain and restless leg syndrome.
  • Ozone cup: It is used especially for pressure sores.

Side Effects of Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has almost no side effects. Side effects reported so far may develop due to application errors and the administration of high doses of ozone depending on the antioxidant capacity of the patient. For this reason, ozone therapy should always be applied gradually and progressively, starting with a low dose and increasing gradually. In some cases, applying ozone therapy may be inconvenient. These conditions can be listed as: glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency, pregnancy, especially in the early period, angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor treatment, hyperthyroidism, bleeding disorder, uncontrolled cardiovascular diseases and asthma patients reacting to ozone.

Things to pay attention

During treatment with ozone, it is necessary to discontinue all antioxidant supplements containing Vitamin C and Vitamin E. The presence of these compounds in high concentrations in the blood affects the effectiveness of ozone, an oxidant substance, and thus the course of treatment. The patient should be told not to consume large amounts of foods rich in these vitamins. Consequently, vitamins or antioxidants should be given before or after ozone therapy and never during treatment. Before applying any form of ozone therapy, patients should have taken blood pressure and diabetes medications at least 2 hours in advance and should not be hungry during ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy is a complementary, supportive and restructuring method with low risk and usually accompanied by standard medical treatments.

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